29 May 2017
13:30 Welcome
Peter De Preter, director EIG EURIDICE
13:40 Introduction: Cement chemistry and cementitious materials
Seif Ben Hadj Hassine and Erik Coppens (ONDRAF/NIRAS)
14:10 Conditioning of radioactive waste by cementation
Erik Coppens and Seif Ben Hadj Hassine (ONDRAF/NIRAS)
14:40 Long-term durability of cementitious materials: degradation mechanisms
Phung Quoc Tri (SCK•CEN)
15:10 Coffee break
15:30 Modelling of concrete structures: the role of cracks
Janez Perko (SCK•CEN)
16:00 RD&D priorities on cement within the Belgian National Programme
Xavier Sillen (ONDRAF/NIRAS)
16.30 Conclusions
Peter De Preter, director EIG EURIDICE