24th Exchange Meeting

Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Deep Clay Formations

40 Years of RD&D in the Belgian URL HADES

9 December 2022

Papers on each presentation are published in a special issue journal for the Geological Society


09:15      The construction of the HADES Underground Research Laboratory and its role in the development of the Belgian concept for a deep geological repository

               Xavier Sillen (ONDRAF/NIRAS)


09:40      40 years of investigation of the thermo-hydromechanical (THM) behaviour of Boom Clay in the HADES URL

               Xiangling Li (EIG EURIDICE)


10:05      Characterization of Boom Clay anisotropic THM behaviour based on the small scale ATLAS Heater Test and  the large scale PRACLAY Heater Test in the HADES URL

              Guangjing J. Chen (EIG EURIDICE)


10:30      Coffee break


11:00      Stability analysis and long term behaviour of deep tunnels in clay formation

              A. Dizier (EIG EURIDICE)


11:25      Coupled flow and transport modelling of a large-scale in-situ migration experiment with 14C-labelled natural organic matter colloids in Boom Clay

              Norbert Maes (SCK CEN)


11:50      Gas transport  in Boom Clay: The role of the HADES URL in process understanding

              Séverine Levasseur (ONDRAF/NIRAS)


12:15     The role of the HADES URL in the better understanding of the Boom Clay pore water geochemistry

              Mieke De Craen (EIG EURIDICE)


12:40      Sandwich Lunch


13:40      45 years of joint research programmes on geological disposal of radioactive waste and the pioneering role of the HADES Underground Research Laboratory

              Seif Ben Hadj Hassine (European Commission)


14:05      Contribution of HADES URL to the development of the Cigéo project, French industrial centre for geological disposal of high-level and intermediate long-lived radwaste in a deep clay formation

              Gilles Armand (ANDRA)


14:30      25 years of cross-fertilization between HADES and Mont Terri rock laboratories

              Nele Bleyen (SCK CEN)


14:55      Underground Research Laboratories,  an Important Support to the  Belgian Regulatory Body’s Research and Development Programme and the Management of Uncertainties

              Frédéric Bernier (AFCN/FANC)


15:30      Closure & drink