Tuesday 6 May 2014
13:30 Welcome
Peter De Preter (EIG EURIDICE)
13:40 Research on the long-term evolution of high-level waste forms in the frame of the Belgian research programme on geological disposal of high active and/or long lived waste
Maarten Van Geet, Robert Gens (ONDRAF/NIRAS)
14:00 A general evaluation of the high-level waste forms in Supercontainer conditions
Karel Lemmens (SCK•CEN)
14:30 Experimental programme to determine the stability of vitrified waste in Supercontainer conditions
Karine Ferrand & Sanheng Liu (SCK•CEN)
15:15 Validation and demonstration of the behaviour of vitrified waste in clay environment by the CORALUS in-situ experiments
Elie Valcke (SCK•CEN)
15:45 Experimental programme to determine the stability of spent fuel in Supercontainer conditions
Christelle Cachoir & Thierry Mennecart (SCK•CEN)
16:15 General conclusions and future needs for research on the long-term evolution of high-level waste forms
Robert Gens, Maarten Van Geet (ONDRAF/NIRAS)