Contribution of HADES URL to the development of the Cigéo project, French industrial centre for geological disposal of high-level and intermediate long-lived radwaste in a deep clay formation
G. Armand, F. Plas, J. Talandier, A. Dizier, X.L. Li, S. Levasseur
Stability analysis and long term behaviour of deep tunnels in clay formation
A. Dizier, M. Scibetta, G. Armand, J. , M. Scibetta, G. Armand, J. ZghondiZghondi, T. Georgieva, G. Chen, J. , T. Georgieva, G. Chen, J. VerstrichtVerstricht, X.L. Li, D. Léonard, S. Levasseur, X.L. L