Scientific publications

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Investigating the anisotropy of the shear modulus of natural Boom Clay.

Dao D., Cui Y., Tang A., Pereira J., Li X., Sillen X.
In: Géotechnique Letters, 4:2(2014), p. 98-101.- ISSN 2045-2543.

Thermal Impact on Damaged Boom Clay and Opalinus Clay: Permeameter and Isostatic Tests with μCT Scanning.

Chen G., Maes T., Vandervoort F., Sillen X., Van Marcke P., Honty M., e.a.
In: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Special Issue: Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Effects in Clay Host Rocks for Radioactive Waste Repositories, 47:1(2014), p. 87-99.- ISSN 0723-2632.

Detection and Monitoring of Cracks in a Concrete Buffer from DIC and AE Measurements

Areias L., Pyl L., Iliopoulos S., Gu J., Aggelis D., Craeye B., De Schutter G., Gens R., Van Marcke P., Coppens E. and Van Cotthem, A.
14439. Proc. of the WM2014 Conference, March 2-6 2014, Phoenix.

The Connecting gallery. The extension of the HADES underground research facility at Mol, Belgium.

Bastiaens W., Bernier F., Buyens M., Demarche M., Li X., Linotte J-M., Verstricht J.
EURIDICE report 03-294, Mol, Belgium, 2003, 98p.

Field Measurements in Geomechanics

Verstricht, J., Bastiaens, W., Bernier, F. & Li, X. L.
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium, Oslo (Norway), 15-18 September 2003: F. Myrvoll (ed.) Proceedings pag 687-692. Lisse (The Netherlands): Swets & Zeilinger.

Large scale and in-situ experiments on THMC processes and gas migration in clay host-rock and seals, Gas-Water-Rock Interactions Induced by Reservoir Exploitation, CO2 Sequestration, and other Geological Storage

Bernier F., Li X.L., Volckaert G.
2003, Abstract Volume, Les rencontres scientifiques de l'IFP, IFP.

CLIPEX: Clay Instrumentation Programme for the Extension of an underground research laboratory

Bernier F., Li X.L., Verstricht J.,
2003, Final Report, EUR 20619 EN.

Proceedings of a European Commision CLUSTER Conference and Workshop: Impact of the Excavation Disturbed or Damaged Zone (EDZ) on the Performance of Radioactive Waste Geological Repositories

Bernier F., Davies C.
2004, Luxembourg, 3 - 5 November 2003, European Commission Report EUR 21028 EN.

The PRACLAY experiments : A large scale heater test in Boom Clay

Bernier F., Demarche M., Weetjens E., Sillen X.
Proceedings from DisTec 2004, International Conference on Radioactive Waste Disposal, April 26-28, 2004, Berlin - Germany.

"Lessons learned with respect to EDZ in Plastic Clays"

Bernier F, Sillen X., Marivoet J.
Luxembourg, 3 - 5 November 2003, European Commission Report EUR 21028 EN.
