EUR-2018-048, ESV EURIDICE GIE Mol, Belgium, 49 p. - Report
A multiscale framework to estimate water sorption isotherms for OPC-based materials.
Babaei S., Seetharam S., Muehlich U., Dizier A., Steenackeres G., Craeye B.
In Cement and Concrete Composites (available on-line 2019), 13 p. (Paper)
Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of the Boom Clay Excavation, Convergence and Contact with Concrete Lining
B. François, J. Nève, S. Levasseur, A. Dizier, P. Gérard
2019, The Boom Clay is considered as one of the potential host rock formation in Belgium for radioactive waste respository in deep geological layers. Gallery excavations will induce large hydro-mechanical disturbances around disposal system...
Thermal Analysis of C-waste geological disposal facility in clay formations
Dizier A.
2018, EUR_18_010, ESV EURIDICE GIE, Mol, 65 p.
Thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling of a C-Waste geological repository
Dizier A.
2018, EUR_18_013, ESV EURIDICE GIE, Mol, 53 pages
Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of the Boom Clay Excavation, Convergence and Contact with Concrete Lining
François B., Nève J., Levasseur S., Dizier A. Gérard P.
2018, In : Energy Geotechnics. Springer, 2018, p. 418-425.
Exploring fissure opening and their connectivity in a Cenozoic clay during gas injection
Gonzàlez Blanco L., Romero E., Jommi C., Li Xiang Ling
2018 - Exploring fissure opening and their connectivity in a Cenozoic clay during gas injection