Specialised groups active in the field of geological disposal or radioactive waste management can make a technical visit to the HADES underground laboratory upon request. Are you such a group? Please contact:
Els van Musscher
014 33 27 83
Would you like to know more about the research on geological disposal and radioactive waste management in general? Tabloo, the brand-new visitor and meeting centre about radioactivity, radioactive waste and research into nuclear applications, will open its doors in 2022. It is located a stone's throw from EURIDICE in the Dessel municipality, right next to the radioactive waste disposal site.
At Tabloo, you canfind a fascinating state-of-the-art exhibition on radioactive waste management, with a special focus on research into geological disposal of high-level and/or long-lived waste. An extraordinary lift experience takes you to HADES and immerse you in the virtual reality of a real disposal facility. Curious? Take a look at www.tabloo.com discover everything for yourself!