The HADES underground research laboratory, located in the Boom Clay at a depth of 225 metres, plays a central role in research into the safety and feasibility of geological disposal of radioactive waste. Experts use it to develop and test industrial technologies for building, operating and closing a waste repository in deep clay. Scientists conduct large-scale experiments under realistic conditions in the deep clay formation over a long period of time to assess the safety of geological disposal in poorly indurated clay.
Renowned worldwide, HADES is the oldest underground laboratory in Europe - this year we celebrate 40 years HADES - built in a deep clay formation for the purpose of researching the possibility of geological disposal in clay. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recognises it as a centre of excellence for waste disposal technologies and scientific training. HADES is a licensed nuclear research facility, which means that scientists can use a wide range of radioactive tracers and sources.
SCK CEN began the construction of the HADES underground research laboratory in 1980. Since 1995 HADES has been operated by EURIDICE, a partnership between SCK CEN and the Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials (ONDRAF/NIRAS). In Belgium, ONDRAF/NIRAS is responsible for radioactive waste management and coordinates the geological disposal RD&D programme.
HADES is and will continue to be purely a research laboratory. It will never be extended for use as a repository for radioactive waste. In any case, the shafts and galleries would be too small and the clay has been disturbed as a result of the many experiments carried out. When construction work gets under way on a real repository, HADES can, however, continue to serve a useful function as a research facility, where specific techniques can be pre-tested or fine-tuned, if necessary.
You can find more information about visiting HADES here.