
The tasks of EURIDICE as set down in its Statutory Rules are as follows:

  • The management and operation of the HADES underground research laboratory.
  • The development of the PRACLAY project to demonstrate the feasibility of geological disposal of radioactive waste.
  • The development, implementation and valorisation of other research projects concerning the long-term management and disposal of radioactive waste.
  • Communication about its own activities.

In pursuance of these statutory tasks, EURIDICE mainly conducts research into the safety and feasibility of geological disposal of high-level and/or long-lived radioactive waste in poorly indurated clay.

In addition, EURIDICE supports the cAt project (surface disposal of low- and medium-level short-lived waste), providing expertise particularly in the area of instrumentation and monitoring. One example is its contribution to the demonstration test (Masterplan p. 48) for the construction of concrete modules for the surface repository for low- and medium-level short-lived waste.